Monday, December 14, 2009

The Labor

On December 13th while cleaning up breakfast dishes I felt a trickle of water, I wasn't sure if my bag of water had sprung a leak or if I had peed my pants. I went to the bathroom and put on a pad and went about the morning but I kept feeling little trickles so I told Paul to get ready I think my water was leaking. We had planned to put our Christmas tree up that day so I made that priority and while Cheyne and I were working on it I had a full gush and I knew my water had broken.

I wasn't in a huge rush to get to the hospital as my contractions hadn't started so I took a shower, finished the tree, ate lunch, and then headed out. My water was continuously gushing every time I stood up so I was walking around the house with a towel in between my legs. When we got to the hospital and I got out of the car another huge gush of water fell on to the pavement and Paul and I both just started laughing, it was like something you would see in the movies.

Once we got checked in they told me that there was meconium in the water which put me on a time limit to get the baby out. With no steady contractions I did everything I could to get them going. I had hopes of a natural delivery so I really didn't want to induce but after several hours of walking, squats, and sitting on an exercise ball it was time to start the pitocin to get labor going.

I started the pitocin at 8pm and by 9pm my contractions were coming fast and furious. Along with the pitocin I was give iv fluids which made me have to use the bathroom every 5 minutes. I tried to manage my own pain with breathing but at 2am I was only dialated to 4cm so I gave up I got an epidural. From that point I was able to rest and relax and at 8am I was fully dialated and ready to push. I pushed hard for an hour and with the threat of needing to suction her out I managed to push out our baby girl.

They gave her to me right away, she was perfect and one look at her I knew she was a Casey.

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