Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The BOB Jogging Stroller

After my first attempt to play soccer a few weeks ago it became clear to me that I really need to get and a get in shape if I am going to have any fun trying to play. So I started looking at jogging strollers and decided the one I wanted was the BOB Ironman however this stroller comes with a pretty hefty price tag. Since I really can't jog with Casey until her neck gets a bit stronger I decided to wait for one to pop up on Craig's list to save some money. I didn't have to wait long, I found one right away and I was fortunate that the people gave me a sunscreen accessory with it to keep Casey protected but still allows her to see out. We have been for a few walks in it and so far she seems to really enjoy it. I can't wait to see how she likes jogging.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Karey, Casey, and Paul:

    I love this photo, that she is blowing bubbles I think!

    Love to you guys!
